Is there any way to provide a eclipse settings file that helps with
the project setup?  Or is this an entirely manual process?

I am happy to open a Jira ticket to cover eclipse integration.  It
*sounds* like what the patch should contain would be some files that
get checked into the source tree, and some instructions that probably
should become part of a new web site page, "Running under Eclipse".
Or do you have other ideas?


On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 10:41 AM, Farzad Valad <> wrote:
> So what is the verdict on the eclipse setup?  Maybe we can work through one
> example, like running the agent from eclipse, so I can fine tune the setup
> procedure.  I figured out how to link the sources into the eclipse project
> without manual copying. You need two things, 1) check out the existing lcf
> project source into eclipse as lcf, 2) the eclipse projects: mcflib-core,
> mcflib-3rd, mcfAgentStart, and mcfAgentStop (Apache mail server has a 1MB
> limit, download from
> For the first item, using Eclipse checkout the source path lcf from apache
> repository.  You'll need to install the SVN plugin for Eclipse if you don't
> have it.  For the second item, extract the zip file into a temp location.
> Import the 4 projects into eclipse by File->Import->select "Existing
> Projects into Workspace", then point to one of the folders.  Would need to
> do this four times.  Inside Eclipse, the start and stop projects would have
> a red exclamation mark, because the core libs are missing intentionally.
>  Expand the mcflib-core project and run the "build.xml" file.  Refresh the
> projects and you should not see any errors.
> Run the mcfAgentStart project as a Java Application and include the VM
> parameter of -Dorg.apache.manifoldcf.configfile=properties.xml.  If
> succesful, you'd see the message "Running... " and "Configuration file
> successfully read".  To stop the agent, run the mcfAgentStop project as a
> Java Application and include the same VM parm.  You can debug and set break
> points by running the debugger in eclipse against the same two projects.
> Assuming all went well, that is what it takes to run the agent.  Thoughts?

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