Nope, using the maven-release-plugin [1] would be enough as it takes care of
checking/changing versions both in the dependencies (if there is any
-SNAPSHOT dependency) and in the modules' versions.
A very quickly look at the process goes like running mvn release:prepare
which signs artifact, creating a svn tag with the release version and
preparing the poms for the next development version, then if the RC is ok
run mvn release:perform otherwise if there is any problem run mvn
release:rollback to bring back the trunk to the -SNAPSHOT version.
One more nice thing would be to add the apache-pom as parent pom of our

 <relativePath />

 this will allow using the -Papache-release option (enabling the
apache-release profile) to create reports and sign artifacts.
Hope this helps.

2011/9/8 Karl Wright <>

> Hi folks,
> I'm handling the 0.3-incubating release of MCF, and I'm trying to
> figure out what the <version> tags in the maven pom files should say.
> They currently say 0.3-SNAPSHOT.  Should I edit them in the release
> branch to be just 0.3?
> Karl

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