Hello everyone,

the version 0.65 of ConnMan was our nice litte Christmas present and a
big thank you to all of our contributors.

The statistics are impressive. So far we have 3047 commits within the
last 3 years. And these commits came from 49 different individual

Language          Files       Code    Comment  Comment %      Blank      Total
----------------  -----  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
c                   142      43886       5252      10.7%      13290      62428
python               29       1020         35       3.3%        359       1414
autoconf              1        327          0       0.0%         68        395
html                  1        302          0       0.0%         12        314
automake              2        208          0       0.0%         80        288
xml                   4        143          2       1.4%         21        166
shell                 4         86          4       4.4%         16        106
----------------  -----  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
Total               183      45972       5293      10.3%      13846      65111

I like to especially thank Samuel for taking over the leadership of
ConnMan and his constant contributions to the project. Also a big thank
you to Martin, Daniel and Mohamed for their excellent work.

Developers with the most changed lines
Marcel Holtmann          85627 (55.8%)
Samuel Ortiz             15237 (9.9%)
Martin Xu                 7201 (4.7%)
Daniel Wagner             4901 (3.2%)
Mohamed Abbas             3215 (2.1%)

I am pleased to see that companies like BMW, Aldebaran Robotics and
ProFusion show interest in this project.

Top lines changed by employer
Intel                   142885 (93.1%)
BMW                       4928 (3.2%)
Nokia                     3499 (2.3%)
Aldebaran Robotics         569 (0.4%)
ProFUSION                  306 (0.2%)

So enjoy your vacation and a Happy New Year :)



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