
So I guess you could start connman (it would be nice if you replied to your other mails
telling if it went well or not btw)

I/O error is usually because the connection misses some information.
Do you run the agent in connmanctl? (again, please read connman's documentation)

connmanctl> agent on

That will request you the info which might be needed when connecting (the passphrase for instance).

If it's not the problec, then we will need logs:
Without logs, it won't be easy to tell what's happening.

- stop wpa_supplicant and connman
- start wpa_supplicant this way: wpa_supplicant -udddt &> wpa_s.log
- start connman this way:CONNMAN_SUPPLICANT_DEBUG=1 connmand -dn &> connman.log

Paste them on pasteall.org (for instance) and tell us about it.


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