Hi James,

I don't think it's exactly the same thing, please correct me if I am wrong.

The WPS PBC can be initiated by either the AP or the device.  It does not
need to be started on the AP side.  If you cannot initiate the button press
without first selecting a service to connect to, there is no way to start
the WPS sequence from device side because you have already chosen which AP
you want to connect to.  You must be able to have the device advertising
the WPS PBC before you select the AP to connect to.  That way the AP can
see the advertisements.

wpa_supplicant / wpa_cli allow the button to be pressed before choosing the
network to connect to.

We support AP to client. Not the other way.
We want to ensure the user connects to the service he really wants. So he first has to press the button on the AP and only then to select the proper service on his side.
Misused, WPS can let the user being connected to the wrong network.

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