
On Wed, 2015-09-30 at 07:59 +0000, Francesco Bruno wrote:
> this is my first drop in this mailing list so please forgive me if I'm
> going to ask something already answered.
> I've seen that Connman allows to set the list of preferred
> technologies and it works as espected.Now I'm looking for a method, if
> any, to set the list of preferred services given a technology.
> For instance I've two modems (mod1 and mod2) and I'd like to give mod2
> high priority.
> Does Connman support this?

Unfortunately for your specific use case, ConnMan supports only
user-tunable ordering between technologies, not services. So far ConnMan
users have coped with this by having the more important service
autoconnectable with the less important ones configured, but with an
unset autoconnect property.



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