I'm using ConnMan v1.30 on a BeagleBone Black based system. I've got a USB 
Wi-Fi device, as well as Ethernet.

Is it possible to configure ConnMan so that it will auto-connect Wi-Fi even if 
it's got an Ethernet connection? Ethernet would still be "preferred" in the 
sense of having the default route. But I want Wi-Fi to always connect if an 
auto-connect service is available, even while Ethernet is present.

If Wi-Fi connects while Ethernet is unplugged, then later Ethernet is plugged 
in, then they can both be connected at the same time, which is good.

But if Ethernet connects first, and the USB Wi-Fi device is plugged in later, 
then it won't auto-connect to the configured Wi-Fi service, and I wish it would.

I've read the "Preferred Technologies" section of the ConnMan web site 
documentation page. It sounds as though there are twists indeed. Can the 
"Preferred Technologies" feature be disabled? I tried putting in my 

PreferredTechnologies =

But that didn't seem to make a difference.

Craig McQueen

connman mailing list

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