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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: IoT WiFi scan for connman SSID selection and configuration remotely


Date: Mon, 24 May 2021 14:17:42 +1000
From: Jupiter <>
Subject: Re: IoT WiFi scan for connman SSID selection and
        configuration remotely
To: "VAUTRIN Emmanuel (Canal Plus Prestataire)"
Cc: connman <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Hi Emmanuel,

Thanks for your response and advice, I did try to use the same command
script dbus-send net.connman.Manager.GetServices, but I had to abandon
it due to unreliable responses, my device has 2 interfaces of 4G LTE
and WiFi, I could reliably get 4G LTE entry all the time, but I could
only get a list of WiFi SSIDs sometime, not sure if it is normal
behavior or what I could be missing?

I ran your dbus-send net.connman.Technology.Scan command, didn't seem
useful response:

$ dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest=net.connman
/net/connman/technology/wifi net.connman.Technology.Scan
method return time=1621820527.013800 sender=:1.4 -> destination=:1.22
serial=120 reply_serial=2

Thank you very much.

Kind regards,


On 5/21/21, VAUTRIN Emmanuel (Canal Plus Prestataire)
<> wrote:
> Hi Jupiter,
>> For users to select a proper SSID to configure connman WiFi, the
>> device needs to scan WiFi SSIDs, we don't have Python in our device's
>> small footprint, we cannot run connmanctl.
>> Are there any methods in connman to run WiFi scan? What alternative
>> open source (in C or C++) are you using for scanning WiFi SSID to find
>> your WiFi SSID name to configuring connman WiFi remotely?
> I am not pretty sure having understood your need, but
> there is the dbus interface to both performing a scan and retrieving the
> service list.
> If you want to test by inline commands, you can use dbus-send
> dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest=net.connman
> /net/connman/technology/wifi net.connman.Technology.Scan
> dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest=net.connman /
> net.connman.Manager.GetServices
> or gdbus call
> gdbus call --system -d net.connman -o /net/connman/technology/wifi -m
> net.connman.Technology.Scan
> gdbus call --system -d net.connman -o / -m net.connman.Manager.GetServices
> After that, you will need to integrate these 2 interfaces from ConnMan dbus
> API.
> Hoping it will solve your problem,
> Emmanuel


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End of connman Digest, Vol 67, Issue 15

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