From: McPhail, David <>
Subject: Please find attached a job advert for two pdra
Date: Fri, 3 Feb 2017 18:51:23 +0000

Post-doctoral research associate positions (2) for two years at the University 
of Texas at Dallas

The EODIAH Conservation Science Research Group at the University of Texas at 
Dallas, led by Professor David McPhail, is seeking to appoint two Postdoctoral 
Research Associates to two-year positions to work on research projects in 
Conservation Science.  The research will be in collaboration with a number of 
museums in the Dallas-Fort Worth area and beyond, including the Dallas Museum 
of Art, the Amon Carter Museum and the Harry Ransom Center.

The research group was established in January 2016 and its primary aim is to 
undertake scientific research in collaboration with local museums in order to 
deliver useful practicable solutions to curators and conservators regarding the 
conservation of objects in their care, and their technical art history. The 
research group laboratory is equipped with instruments that are being used for 
the air-based non-invasive non-destructive study of artifacts and includes an 
M6 Jetstream scanning XRF, a VSC 8000 colorimeter, a ZeGage white light 
interferometer, and a number of optical microscopes that can operate in the UV 
and visible. Importantly, all these instruments are transportable, if 
necessary, and can 'go to the art'. We also use, in collaboration with the 
Geosciences department, a Giga-macro large area imaging apparatus and an 
environmental SEM. A plethora of state-of-the-art complimentary research 
equipment such as FTIR, Raman, SEM, SIMS, TEM and FIB are available on campus.

Further information on these posts and on the procedure for applying may be 
found at

David S McPhail
Distinguished Chair of Conservation Science, The Edith O'Donnell Institute of 
Art History
Professor, School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry,
BSB building,
University of Texas at Dallas
TX 75080-3021

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