AIC would like to share the following statement from the Belgian Committee of 
the Blue Shield:
After the attacks of 22 March 2016, the Federal Government asserted its 
determination to combat terrorism in our country. However, by royal decree of 
27 October 2015 establishing the repartition of the personnel of the Federal 
Police (Belgian Monitor of 30 October 2015) it decided to abolish the Art & 
Antiques section of the Federal Judicial Police, which endeavours to fight the 
illicit trafficking of works of art. It is nevertheless well known that the 
illicit traffic in works of art is one of the sources of finance for 
international terrorism […]. 
At the present time, several western countries are dedicating more staff and 
resources to combat the illicit trafficking of works of art. This is the case 
in the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Spain (24 staff versus 8 beforehand), 
the United States of America (16 staff versus 6 before) and above all France, 
which has a specialised unit of 25 people. Other countries are taking similar 
measures. Belgium is therefore resolutely marching against the tides of 
history. In international colloquiums, Belgium was clearly identified as a main 
hub of the illicit trafficking of works of art. In abolishing – particularly 
now – the Art and Antiquities unit of the Federal Judicial Police, our country 
does not give the right signals.
Several national and international organisations, namely INTERPOL and the UN, 
complained to the Federal Government about this measure, pointing out that 
Belgium is no longer able to fulfill its international obligations. 
Furthermore, the abolition of the judiciary unit Art & Antiquities risks 
damaging the reputation of Belgium, already tarnished by criticism after the 
Paris attacks for the way in which our country handles the fight against 
terrorism. In abolishing the Art & Antiquities unit, a specialised contact 
group disappears. It will no longer be possible to reply to specific questions 
from Interpol, foreign customs services and other authorities and international 
organisations. Even worse, the database that is managed by this judicial 
section will no longer be updated. Belgium will become the weak link in the 
battle against the financing of terrorism and the illicit trafficking of works 
of art. It will be very difficult to repair the damage which will result and 
considerable financial means will be needed.
More alarmingly, Paris Match revealed recently that ‘one of the perpetrators of 
the deadly attacks at Zaventem airport and Maelbeek metro station in March of 
this year actively participated in the trafficking of works of art in Belgium, 
and relatively recently. Around him were other characters, apparently linked to 
Salah Abdeslam.’ Without being able to confirm that there could be a link 
between the attacks in Brussels and the illicit trafficking of works of art, 
this information should underline that the negligence of the Federal Government 
could cost us all dearly.
 (Site in French)
The petition asks the Minister of the Interior and Minister of Justice to 
reverse their decision to abolish the Art & Antiquities unit of the Federal 
Judicial Police, and to work towards strengthening it.  
The Belgian committee of the Blue Shield asbl, is a coordinating body bringing 
together representatives of Belgian authorities, both federal and federated, 
and international organisations, including experts in the protection and 
management of cultural heritage. It works towards the enforcement of compliance 
with The Hague Convention of 1954 and its Protocols in relation to the 
protection of cultural property in the case of armed conflict.

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