Postdoctoral researcher in the field of cellulose and paper analytics - Centre 
de recherches sur la conservation des collections, CRC, MNHN, Paris 

A Post-doctoral Research position is available for a curious, competent, 
motivated, responsible and independent individual to work on the impact of 
X-ray irradiation on cultural heritage cellulosic materials 

The research will be carried out at CRC (, National Museum 
of Natural History (MNHN) in central Paris under the supervision of Dr 
Anne-Laurence Dupont and at IPANEMA 
Synchrotron SOLEIL in Saclay under the supervision of Dr Mathieu Thoury and Dr 
Sebastian Schoeder. 

X-ray analytical techniques such as X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy, X-ray 
absorption spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction are widely used to study artworks 
on paper. X-ray irradiation ionizes atoms and is prone to induce damage in 
cultural heritage materials. The aim of the research proposed is: (i) to 
develop new strategies to detect and (ii) characterize the impact of X-ray 
irradiation on the physical and chemical structure of paper. Portable XRF 
instruments and mononochromatic X-ray synchrotron beams will be used. The 
modifications of the material at the micro scale will be investigated as a 
function of dose and dose rate as well as its reciprocity correlation. Damage 
at the macroscopic and mesoscopic level of the cellulosic fibre will be 
detected using UV photoluminescence spectral imaging and infrared absorption 
spectroscopy. Macromolecular and molecular changes will be monitored using 
size-exclusion chromatography and electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry. 
The outcome of the
  research shall enable developing safer analytical procedures for the use of 
X-rays directly on paper artworks. 

The preferred candidate has recently finished her/his PhD in analytic and/or 
organic chemistry. She/he will have carried out experimental work using 
chromatographic separation techniques and/or mass spectrometry and will have a 
confirmed knowledge of XRF. A good understanding of cellulosic materials as 
well as a strong interest in cultural heritage preservation issues would be an 
asset. Language skills (French and English) are essential because collaboration 
work is envisaged with international research institutes. Being highly 
motivated and the ability to work in a team will also be important 

General conditions 
Fixed-term contract (12 months, full time) starting June 2017 
Salary paid according to CNRS salary scale 
Applications should include a motivation letter and Curriculum Vitae, 
preferably with the name/addresses of two references. 

Anne-Laurence Dupont 
Centre de Recherche sur la Conservation (CRC) 
Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, CNRS USR 3224 
36 rue Geoffroy-Saint-Hilaire, CP21 
FR-75005 Paris 
Tel +33 1 40 79 53 07 / Fax +33 1 40 79 53 12 

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