The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation ("Foundation") is a not-for-profit, grantmaking 
organization that seeks to strengthen, promote, and, where necessary, defend 
the contributions of the humanities and the arts to human flourishing and to 
the well-being of diverse and democratic societies. It makes grants in five 
core program areas (higher education and scholarship in the humanities; arts 
and cultural heritage; diversity; scholarly communications; and international 
higher education and strategic projects). The Foundation seeks a Program 
Associate in the Arts and Cultural Heritage Program (ACH) reporting to the 
program officer with responsibility for Art History, Conservation, and Museums. 
The position requires close collaboration with the senior program officer, 
program officers, ACH program staff, and other Foundation staff, particularly 
with grant management associates in the General Counsel's office. The work is 
detail-oriented and requires accuracy, the ability to anticipate outcomes,
  multi-tasking, flexibility, efficiency, patience, and discretion.
Position Details:
Responsibilities may include, but will not be limited to the following:
* Actively participate in the formulation of new proposals for funding, 
including advising grantees in preparation of the narrative and financial 
components of proposals.
* Monitor grantee performance, including careful review of all reports, 
financial information, and other communication with directors and primary 
investigators. Execute related follow up.
* Work with program assistants on routine grant management, including 
modifications, extensions, payments, etc.
* Assist with drafting of quarterly dockets of grant recommendations and 
special reports to the Trustees and senior staff.
* Participate in meetings with current and potential grantees; take notes and 
maintain notes and files on grant and potential grant activities.
* Represent the Foundation at public meetings and conferences as assigned.
* Attend periodic program and administrative staff meetings.
* Contribute to the maintenance of electronic and paper files pertaining to all 
program activity.
* Undertake research in connection with current and new initiatives.
* Conduct occasional site visits at grantee and non-grantee institutions, as 
directed by supervisors and as appropriate to the program's mission and 
* Help plan and coordinate arrangements for on- and off-site meetings.
* Assist Foundation staff with updating or drafting website copy.
* Respond to general inquiries, requests for information, and unsolicited 
requests for funding.

* Requires a Master's degree in a humanities discipline, plus a minimum of two 
years of experience working in an academic humanities department or cultural 
institution. Preference will be given to candidates with an art history degree 
and/or museum, conservation, or cultural heritage data management experience. 
The position is not suitable for PhD's.
* Demonstrated knowledge of organizational practices and field-wide trends in 
arts and cultural heritage.
* Strong experience in financial analysis and program administration. Facility 
with survey design and complex data analysis a plus.
* Fluency with aspects of the ACH program's strategic priorities beyond core 
area of expertise.
* Superior communication skills including writing, editing, and interpersonal 
* Excellent analytic, critical thinking, and organizational skills with a 
precise attention to detail.
* Experience working both independently and collaboratively in a high-volume 
and fast-paced environment to complete assignments on regular deadlines.
* Ability to anticipate and solve problems proactively.
* Indefatigable work ethic with an adaptable temperament, curiosity, and a good 
sense of humor.
* A high degree of competency in the MS Office suite, particularly Excel and 
Word. Experience with Sharepoint or other asset management system preferred.
* Commitment to promoting and maintaining a collegial, collaborative work 

Application Instructions / Public Contact Information
The Foundation is an equal opportunity employer that offers a competitive 
salary, outstanding benefits, and excellent working conditions. Qualified 
candidates should carefully review the Mellon Foundation's website and the Arts 
and Cultural Heritage program's strategic priorities, which may be found at Candidates should apply by submitting a thoughtful cover letter 
indicating their fit for the position, together with a resume at:
 We will consider each response carefully, but contact only those individuals 
we feel are most qualified for the position.  The position does not pay 
relocation.  No emails or phone calls, please.

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