APLAR 6 - Laser cleaning technology for the conservation and restoration of 
cultural heritage
Conference, Florence, Italy, 14th-15th September 2017
Auditoriun of Sant’Apollonia, Via S.Gallo 25, Florence
Download the 1st call for abstracts by clicking on this link: 

SEND us your abstract for the 6th edition of the APLAR Conference on laser 
cleaning technology for the conservation and restoration of national heritage.
1.      If you are interested in taking part at the conference, please send us 
an abstract by the 15th of May 2017 to the following address:  
Abstract guidelines are posted in the following link: 
http://www.aplar.eu/scadenze.php?header_images  (Scarica il Modello Abstract in 
lingua Inglese) 
2.      Abstracts may be sent in English.
4.      Participants will be informed if their work has been accepted by 
Thursday 26th of June 2017. 
5.      The selected participants are requested to deliver their original 
papers/posters by the 15th of October 2017. 

Simultaneous translation from English to Italian and vice-versa will be 
available for international speakers.
The conference programme and relative schedules will be available on our 
website www.aplar.eu  from the 31st of July 2017. 
Registration Fee in Euros:
Full € 80.00 
Discounted € 60.00 (anyone under the age of 26).
For further information please visit our site www.aplar.eu or send us an email 
at: segrete...@aplar.eu

The 6th edition of the APLAR conference dedicated to the use of laser 
technology in the field conservation and restoration of art works, will take 
place in Florence, Italy at the Auditorium of Sant’Apollonia, in via S. Gallo 
Previous editions were held in Vicenza (16th June 2007), Siena (4th July 2008), 
Bari (18th -19th June 2010), Rome (14th -15th June 2012) and the Vatican City 
(18th -19th September 2014).
In the wake of previous editions, the 2017 conference aims to share the many 
experiences undertaken by Italian and international professionals using laser 
technology in the field of art conservation. As the subtitle of the conference 
reads – using lasers in combination with…….the organizers of the 2017 
conference wish to create a platform where professionals can discuss the 
integration of laser technology with standard intervention protocols. Our aim 
is to explore lasers not just as an instrument per se but as a tool used in 
combination with other traditional and or innovative conservation techniques 
and analyse how lasers are geared to achieve results which match the 
conservator’s technical and ethical needs. 
Apart from understanding lasers as a useful tool, we wish to explore how the 
scientific community implements laser technology as a diagnostic and analytical 
device to corroborate the conservators works. We wish to share experiences and 
case studies where laser technology is used with intelligence to achieve 
decisive results.    
The two-day conference will conclude with a discussion panel that will explore 
the topics of the conference in terms of project development, surveys and 
monitoring interventions and results.

Scientific Panel
Lorenzo Appolonia, Soprintendenza Beni Culturali Aosta, IGIIC
Giorgio Bonsanti, former Università degli Studi di Firenze
Anna Brunetto, Restauri Brunetto, Vicenza
Giancarlo Lanterna, Opificio delle Pietre Dure, Firenze
Barbara Mazzei, Pontificia Commissione di Archeologia Sacra, Città del Vaticano
Antonio Paolucci, former Musei Vaticani, Città del Vaticano
Renzo Salimbeni, IFAC-CNR, Firenze
Paolo Salonia, ITABC - CNR, Comitato Esecutivo ICOMOS Italia, Roma
Antonio Sansonetti, ICVBC - CNR, Milano
Ulderico Santamaria, Università degli Studi della Tuscia
Fabrizio Vona, Polo Museale della Puglia

Stefania Agnoletti, Opificio delle Pietre Dure, Firenze
Alessia Andreotti, Università di Pisa
Anna Brunetto, Restauri Brunetto, Vicenza
Daniele Ciofini, Istituto di Fisica Applicata – CNR, Firenze
Stefano Landi, Stefano Landi, Firenze
Giancarlo Lanterna, Opificio delle Pietre Dure, Firenze
Daniela Murphy Corella, National Heritage Conservation, Associazione Bastioni, 
Alessandro Zanini, El.En. S.p.A., Firenze

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