Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is Manon Léchenne and I am currently in my last year of study
at the University of Applied Sciences in Bern (BUA). I approach you because
I am looking for information about the consolidation of wood in the context
of my Master's thesis. This work is part of a planed research project at the
BUA (lead K. Soppa) on the topic "wood consolidation".

This survey is intended to deliver a general idea of the current consolidation
practice applied to wooden heritage artworks. We also intend to extract current
difficulties, as well as materials and techniques with the greatest potential to
start research on the improvement of the homogeneous applicability and 
penetrative properties of consolidating techniques to save woodworm infested 

We would be grateful for any information or personal views on this subject.
Please do not hesitate to ask for more details on the work in progress and
we are happy for any discussion on this topic.

This survey is of multiple-choice type and takes about 30 minutes to be filled 
For the few development questions we would be grateful if you could use 
English, French or German.

We are also interested in infested pieces of wood or by powder produced by 
woodworm. This material would be of great value for the practical research. 
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you can give this type of material or 
if you have further questions.

My thesis should be available at the end of September 2017 in the library of 
the University of Applied Sciences in Bern. The PDF version can be requested at 
the school office or myself.

With kind regards

Manon Léchenne

Bern University of the Arts, BUA
Fellerstrasse 11
CH-3027 Bern
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