Modular Cleaning Program and Gel Solvent Workshop
June 12-16, 2017
Pratt Institute,  Department of Math and Science, Brooklyn, NY

Instructor:  Chris Stavroudis, conservator in private practice, West Hollywood, 

The Modular Cleaning Program (MCP) is a systematic approach for the cleaning of 
artworks utilizing a Filemaker Pro database system. This system has been 
developed to assist conservators in their approach to cleaning art utilizing 
water-borne systems, solvents, solvent gels and emulsions. In addition, this 
aids the conservator in formulating and combining stock solutions, which allows 
the conservator to create optimized cleaning solutions for more precise and 
tailored treatments. While developed from the perspective of paintings 
conservation, the methodology is universal and applicable to any cleaning 

This five-day workshop will provide conservators with a series of concentrated 
aqueous stock solutions and the materials to mix a range of emulsions and 
microemulsions. The provided database, “The Modular Cleaning Program,” assists 
the conservator in formulating and combining stock solutions which allows the 
conservator to create optimized cleaning solutions for more precise and 
tailored treatments. The workshop consists of approximately 2 days of lecture 
interspersed into the hands-on workshop. 

Registration fee: $650.00
(includes materials)

Please send a statement of interest and resume/CV with your name, current 
contact information, and institutional affiliation (if any) to 
snunb...@pratt.edu and ckeh...@pratt.edu  with the subject line “Modular 
Cleaning Program Application” by May 6, 2017.

Organizers: Cindie Kehlet and Sarah Nunberg

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