We are about to begin a treatment of a large painting by Suzanne Blank 
Redstone, which is acrylic on hardboard.  The painting is unframed, and has a 
wooden support attached to the reverse.  The painting was dropped from the 
truck, wrapped only in poly and cardboard.  Significant damage has occurred on 
the top edge.  My thought is to inject adhesive (I was thinking of fish glue) 
into the area, and apply pressure by clamping, but the area is crushed, and 
there do not appear to be cracks into which an adhesive can enter.  We are not 
expecting a “full recovery” but are hoping for a significant improvement. 

Any thoughts or experience with consolidation of hardboard/Masonite would be 
greatly appreciated.

Ria German-Carter
Painting Conservator in Private Practice
San Francisco, CA
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