We recently purchased a commercial grade freezer to utilize as cold storage for 
nitrate negatives within our collections. Prior to placing any archival 
materials in the freezer I ran an environmental test using data loggers. The 
results of this test show that the freezer runs a defrost cycle every 6 hours. 
As you would expect, during a defrost cycle both the temperature and relative 
humidity increase significantly. The max temperature was recorded as 19.73 
degrees Fahrenheit, and the max RH was recorded as 92.33%. Average running 
temperature of the freezer was recorded as 1.44 degrees Fahrenheit and average 
RH was 75.54%.

My two major concerns are the high RH readings, and the amount flux (in both 
Temp and RH) in such a short period of time. I'm seeing over a 20 degree flux 
in temperature within less than 24 hours.

Information quoted below is from the CoOL website and seems to indicate that as 
long as such low temperatures are maintained, RH is less of a concern. Thoughts?
"Relatively inexpensive cold storage is available through the acquisition of a 
large commercial freezer. The freezer should defrost automatically (a cycle of 
three times a day is acceptable). Recent research indicates that precise 
control of relative humidity is, on balance, not of primary concern at such low 
temperatures (McCormick-Goodhart, 1993). Therefore, humidity controls within 
the freezer, if considered cost-prohibitive, can be omitted."

Has anyone out there used a commercial grade freezer for nitrate negative 
storage before and if so how did you address these concerns? Thank you in 
advance for any and all input!

Amy Minger, Archival Assistant for Conservation
Arkansas State Archives
an agency of the Department of Arkansas Heritage
email: amy.min...@arkansas.gov<mailto:amy.min...@arkansas.gov>
office: 501.682.6905

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