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Jamie Hascall

Craftsman, Trainer, Consultant
Seattle, WA

Fundamentals of Mountmaking

 Jamie Hascall and Chris Moore will be offering a workshop on the Fundamentals 
of Mountmaking for Museum Objects on Thursday and Friday June 29th and 30th. 
The workshop will be held at Mountmaking Focus Studio in Seattleā€™s Fremont 

 The workshop will be a two-day intensive covering the basics of mountmaking, 
with a major focus on mountmaking as a preventive conservation practice. Object 
assessment, design parameters, material choices, and fabrication techniques 
will all be covered. Participants will use skills learned to build a mount for 
a standard object, and to design and attempt a mount for an object they will 
bring to the session.

 This workshop is aimed at students with minimal shop experience, but is small 
enough to accommodate those of higher skill levels as well. Subsequent 
workshops will build on the skills learned during this session.

 Coming workshops:

            July 27th and 28th:                    Acrylic, Plastics, and 
Alternative Materials

            August 31st and Sept 1st:         Seismic Stabilization Basics

            Sept. 21st and 22nd                  Fundamentals of Mountmaking


Workshop size is limited to 6 persons. 

Workshop fee is $400 per person plus a $30 Materials fee.

For further details, please contact: <>         

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