
My name is Ada Brungot, and I am completing my final dissertation for the
degree MA Preventive Conservation at Northumbria University. The purpose of
the research is to investigate the advantages and potential challenges in
the use of digital imaging, considering how it can contribute to the
preventive conservation of human remains in museums and collections.
Questions will include the use of digital imaging for documentation,
research and display, and any ethical considerations related to human
dignity and cultural preferences that may limit its use. Resource
challenges will also be taken into account.

To investigate the extent of the current use of digital imaging of human
remains, its benefits and challenges, I conduct an investigation aimed at
professionals working with preservation, curatorial, collection management,
or the like, with present or past work experience from collections
containing human remains. By this, I wish to contribute to enhanced
awareness within the sector on how digital images can contribute to
preventive conservation of human remains, and where the limits should be
set due to ethical considerations. In order to achieve this, I need your
feedback to gather a wide range of experiences and views.

The survey will take about 5-10 minutes to complete via SurveyMonkey. The
deadline for responses is August 4th. In the first question, you are asked
to provide contact details in order that I can gather more qualitative data
from 3 or 4 surveys as case studies. All data will be anonymized in the
research paper and no name will be mentioned. However, countries may be
referred to in order to give a geographical overview of opinions if
relevant. The data from the survey will be stored on a private computer and
a secure server at Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, that only I
and the academic team at Northumbria will have access to. The data might
contribute to a future journal article, but will be destroyed after three

Thank you for taking the time to answer the survey!

The link to the survey is here:


Many thanks

Ada Brungot
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