Valued preservation & conservation colleagues:

I am debating a full-fledged survey, but before I travel down the path of 
Institutional Review Board Approval for a survey, etc, I thought an informal 
query might be useful.  We at the University of Illinois Libraries are 
considering a more 'standardized' approach to how we treat scrapbooks in our 
conservation lab.  While each treatment is always evaluated based on the usual 
variety of factors (research value, aesthetic value, condition, exhibition 
potential, etc etc) we have found that our curatorial expectations for the 
level of treatment these objects should receive vary greatly and we think it 
would be useful to establish a baseline for 'minimal treatment', 'standard 
treatment approaches', and 'exceptional treatments' or the like.

Does ANYBODY out there have such treatment approaches for scrapbooks, either in 
writing, or in practice (even sorta)?

Any help or thoughts would be much appreciated!

~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~
Jennifer Hain Teper
Professor and Head, Preservation Services
University of Illinois Libraries
Room 425
1408 W. Gregory Ave.
Urbana, IL 61801

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