Call for Papers
Sustainability Committee
AIC 46th Annual Meeting
Houston, TX
May 29-June 2, 2018

The Sustainability Committee (SC) seeks abstracts for papers to be
presented at the upcoming AIC Annual Meeting in Houston, Texas, May 28-June
1, 2018. This year's theme is "Material Matters." Submission of original
research and work related to the theme are welcome, and any submissions related
to sustainable conservation and preservation will be considered.

Topic ideas include:

- How does sustainability affect how you select, use, and dispose of

- How does environmental, social, or economic sustainability affect your
practice in a way now that it did not previously?

- What conservation techniques you have tried - with success or failure -
to be sustainable?

How to submit an abstract:
Please visit the AIC website for instructions on how to submit an abstract:

Authors wishing to be considered for the Sustainability Session must
include "Sustainability" among their three choices for Session Preferences.

Submission deadline: Friday, September 15, 2017.

Caitlin Southwick

AIC Sustainability Committee, Professional Team Member

ROI Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage

University of Amsterdam

Hobbemastraat 21, 1071 ZC Amsterdam, The Netherlands
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