Workshop 2



Monday, June 11 - Friday, June 15, 2018 at The Museum of Modern Art, NY

Does your institution have a collection of time-based media artworks in
need of a long-term preservation plan? Are you uncertain where to get
started? This five-day hands-on workshop will provide an in-depth overview
of the processes and workflows which can be implemented at collections
without dedicated time-based media conservators. Participants will leave
with the knowledge and tools to design and execute action plans at their

Caring for time-based media art collections is widely acknowledged as a
pan-institutional endeavor requiring direct involvement from curatorial,
conservation, audio visual, IT, registration and collection care staff.
This collaboration will be reflected throughout the curriculum as well as
in the workshop application itself which requires a pair of colleagues from
each applying institution. This workshop specifically requires that a
curator and collection care specialist apply together as these positions
have the expertise and authority to advocate for proper collection
stewardship. The curriculum will cover activities pertaining to acquiring,
exhibiting, installing, documenting, and advocating for media artworks.

Requirements for Application:

This workshop is open to pairs of applicants: one curator and one
conservator/collection care staff member (conservator, audio visual
technician, collection specialist or manager, etc.) directly responsible
for the care of the time-based media art collection. Priority will be given
to institutions who are actively acquiring, with mid-sized media artwork
collections that have significant needs, and require in-house staff
training. Participants are expected to attend the full week-long program.

How to Apply: Applicants must provide a joint letter of interest (1,000
words maximum), and one letter of institutional support from the Director,
or equivalent level. Co-applicants must be permanent members of staff (full
or part-time) and each must provide a CV. Additionally, applicants must
complete one online Collection Data Form

Applications which do not meet all requested requirements will not be

The letter of interest must include: 1) why participation in this workshop
is important to the collection; 2) a brief history of the media art
collection; 3) candidates’ work with the media art collection to date; 4)
how this workshop directly applies to applicants’ day-to-day work; 5)
evidence of institutional commitment such as working groups, any specific
initiatives or surveys, and demonstrable institutional desire to take
action; and 6) prior experience with the topic or lack thereof as well as
any relevant conferences or workshops attended on related topics.

Travel and lodging expenses may be reimbursed, based on need. Please submit
a basic budget of anticipated costs as part of the application. There is no
fee for this workshop; English will be the language of instruction.
Applications should be submitted to no later than
January 16, 2018 with notifications expected by early to mid March. For
more information:

This workshop is part of The Museum of Modern Art's Media Conservation
Initiative, generously funded by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. The Media
Conservation Initiative seeks to advance new strategies for the field of
time-based media art preservation and restoration.
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