The Oddy Test Database on the AIC Wiki and CAMEO are joining forces. Come
be a part of the team that will help link these two valuable resources
together. We are seeking volunteers interested in helping with this effort
to add links, clean up wiki code, and add test results into the tables.
Previous experience is not required, but familiarity with the Oddy test,
Wikimedia, and Excel will be highly useful. Database coordinators are based
across the country and work can be carried out remotely and scheduled at
your convenience. Training and meetings are conducted via phone, Skype (or
other video chat) or Go-To-Meeting sessions as preferred.

This is a fun and flexible way to get involved with two resources that are
important for our field.  Please reach out to Rachael Perkins Arenstein at for more information.
Samantha Springer
13951 Shireva Ct.
Lake Oswego, OR 97034
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