February 2018

Apply Now For Book Conservation Summer School Scholarship

An Indo-Persian binding, a study of Romanesque book production sewing
techniques and re-creating the medieval palette are just some of the topics
the winner of this years Nicholas Hadgraft Memorial Scholarship could be
enjoying thanks to Conservation By Design Limited (CXD).

CXD invites skilled conservators and book binders to apply for the renowned
scholarship for the 14th consecutive year.  The winner will receive GBP
1,500 towards the cost of attending the Montefiascone Book Conservation
Summer School, a unique bookbinding and restauration course held each year
in the medieval town of Montefiascone, Italy.

Running from the heart of the medieval town throughout the month August,
each week, the summer school features a different specialised course and
tutor, which this year includes; Cheryl Porter, Jim Bloxam, Shaun Thompson,
Alison Ohta, Kristine Rose Beers, Julia Poirier, Anne Hillam and Maria

Conservation By Designs managing director, Dirk Hendrickx, said: The
Montefiascone Summer School offers a wonderful opportunity to share
knowledge and a love of precious books and bookbinding in a beautiful
setting.  Its not surprising therefore that the opportunity to receive a
scholarship towards the cost of attending such a unique course is very
popular, with the number of entries increasing each year.  The quality of
submissions really demonstrates the high regard in which it is held amongst
book binders, conservators, librarians and archivists and it is always very
difficult to choose a winner.

Lucilla Ronai, from Australia, a paper conservator working at the
Australian National Maritime Museum, was the winner of the 2017
scholarship.  She used the scholarship to attend three courses; 15th
Century Italian Binding, 14th Century Italian Ledger Binding, and
Conservation Ethiopian Binding.

She commented: The Montefiascone Book Conservation Summer School brings
people from all over the world, raises awareness for the amazing medieval
library collection, creates an international network and disseminates vital
skills and knowledge. During this magical time in the beautiful medieval
town I worked with materials I had never used before, learned diverse
individual approaches to the same task, was guided through complex
techniques, met so many people and created an international network. I
walked away with four bound books and a satchel that I would never have
dreamed of being able to bind before my time at Montefiascone. These
memories will last me a lifetime. However, I hope these are not my only
ones; like so many before me I have every intention of going back to

The scholarship is offered in memory of Dr Nicholas Hadgraft, a good friend
of Conservation By Design who died tragically in 2004. Nicholas was a
fellow of the University of the Arts London and a key collaborator on the
Squelch Drying technique devised by Stuart Welch (the founder of CXD), the
most effective way to date of drying valuable rare books.

Application forms are now available from the CXD website at
www.conservation-by-design.co.uk.  Completed applications must be received
by 6 April 2018 and the successful applicant will be notified by the end of

For further information on the Nicholas Hadgraft Memorial Scholarship,
contact Conservation By Design on 01234 844 260 or visit

For press information contact:

Emma Murphy

Conservation By Design

Tel: 01234 846360

Email: emma.mur...@cxdltd.com
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