International Workshop: Cultural Heritage, Migration and Sustainable 
Development, 18-30 June 2018, Palermo Italy

The international workshop Palermo: Cultural Heritage, Migration and 
Sustainable Development strives to promote dialogue between national and 
international experts and students in order to provide innovative ideas on 
sustainable strategies for culture management and sustainable tourism.  The 
workshop consists of a mix of lectures and debates, working sessions and 
seminars, together with didactic visits in and out of town. For more 
information about content and application procedure please visite the official 

The workshop is open to Bachelor and LLM-level students and young professionals 
in the fields of Cultural Heritage, Archaeology, Architecture, Social sciences, 
History and Technology related fields

For more information about content, lecturers and application procedure please 
visti the official website

Kind Regards,
Francesca Taormina

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