The Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (VMFA) is proud to host a workshop on the
history and preservation of photographs taught by Rachel Wetzel, Photograph
Conservator at the Conservation Center for Art & Historic Artifacts
(CCAHA).  This two-part workshop is designed for collectors and a wide
range of collections care staff from various departments within art
museums, libraries, archives, historic houses, and universities.  This
workshop supports VMFA’s endeavor to serve audiences on a local, statewide,
national and international basis through the preservation and study of art,
and educational programs.

Part One:  Preservation of Photographic Materials  (Thursday, August 9,
2018 from 9:00 - 5:00)

This one-day workshop will be in lecture format and will cover a variety of
topics related to the stability and preservation of photographic materials.
 Subjects to be covered include a brief history of the various photographic
processes and how they deteriorate; how to choose the proper storage
materials for your photographs; how to safely handle and label photographs;
the roll of temperature and environment on photographs; and lighting and
exhibition parameters.  The content of this workshop is relevant for museum
curators, registrars, conservators, archivists, collection managers,
collectors of photographs and photography enthusiasts.

Part Two:  Photographic Treatment for Paper Conservators  (Friday, August
10, 2018 from 9:00 - 5:00)

This one-day workshop will be a continuation of the lecture listed above.  It
will include both lectures and hands-on activities to cover basic treatment
skills and to teach the non-photograph conservator how to stabilize and
preserve photographs in their collection in the absence of a photograph
conservator. Topics to be covered include surface cleaning, consolidation,
mending, humidifying and flattening, hinge application and removal,
inpainting and identifying appropriate housing materials that have passed
the Photographic Activities Test.  Each participant will examine and treat
a set of photographs in the paper conservation lab at the VMFA.  Participants
are encouraged to bring their own hand tools (a suggested list will be
provided).  Due to space limitations, this workshop will be limited to
eight participants and is tailored to professional conservators.  The first
day lecture (Part One) is a prerequisite for this workshop.

Resource materials will be provided for each attendee.  There is a
registration fee of $50 per attendee per session. Please direct any
questions or application form requests to Heather Emerson at Please complete and return the application by
June 24, 2018, for consideration.  Invitations to attend the workshop will
be extended by July 17, 2018.

About the instructor:

*Rachel Wetzel* received her BA in Art History & Architecture and Studio
Arts in 1997 from the University of Pittsburgh, and an MA degree with a
certificate in Art Conservation in 2005 from the State University of New
York, Buffalo State College. She holds a certificate for the completion of
the Advanced Residency Program in Photograph Conservation at the George
Eastman Museum.  Rachel has been a photograph conservator at the
Conservation Center for Art and Historic Artifacts for the past 11 years.

*Heather Logue Emerson*

*Paper Conservation Technician*

*Virginia Museum of Fine Arts*200 N. Boulevard / Richmond, VA 23220-4007
T 804.340.1491 <(804)%20340-1491>  F 804.340.1584 <(804)%20340-1584>
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