The Maven team is pleased to announce the 1.0-beta-1 release of
Continuum. This release offers users both an advance look at what's in
Continuum 1.0 and a head start in helping to shape the final Continuum

You can find everything here:


The binaries can be found here:

<a href="";></a>

Among the improvements, we have now:
 - User/Group management
 - Added security features
 - Added blame mechanism
 - Added working copy browser
 - Added configuration page

The change log can be found here: <a href="";></a>

Features that already exist :
 - support of Maven1, Maven2, Ant and shell projects
 - scheduled and forced build
 - build definitions with command line settings
 - SCM supported : CVS, Subversion, Starteam
 - notification by mail, irc, MSN, Jabber

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