you might more active feedback if you just correspond with the mailing
list like this, at least in my opinion..

as for the wiki access, that might be possible, what kinda stuff will
you be adding there?  information specific to your implementation?
where would that implementation be located?  are you just going to
create and maintain a patchset on continuum trunk? inquiring minds
want to know! :)

anyway, I for one am interested in some more information on your
thesis, the sentence you provide sounds like it is already a feature
of continuum


On 3/7/07, Erik Drolshammer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm writing a proof of concept (PoC) implementation as my master thesis
which extends Continuum.

Problem text:
"The purpose of this Master thesis is to improve existing techniques for
Continuous Integration. The focus is on determining whether a new
version of a module breaks the build of old clients or
builds successfully. One possible approach is to continuously integrate
the clients with the new implementation. The task is to write a PoC
implementation using Continuum as the underlaying build engine."

I have Trygve Laugstøl as my counselor and he suggested that I try to
report on my progress on the wiki and hopefully obtain some feedback
from the active developers.

Can I get write access to your wiki?

It looks like my project is related to an existing wiki page [1], but
perhaps it is simpler to start a new page?



Erik Drolshammer,
username Sherriff

jesse mcconnell

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