
Very nice idea. 
Just some remarks concerning the actual continuum model.

Builder and Jdk have the same type (Installation), I think this must be 
splitted in two types in order to prevent user to add a Builder as a Jdk 
(screen [1]) when they build a profile.

Then it could be nice to can add some environnement variable for builder/jdk 
(as MAVEN_OPTS or some stuff like -Djava.awt.headless=true for a jdk) (as say 



-----Message d'origine-----
De : Emmanuel Venisse [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Envoyé : vendredi 8 juin 2007 20:16
À : continuum-dev@maven.apache.org
Objet : Continuum Profiles


I wrote a little doc (http://docs.codehaus.org/display/CONTINUUM/CI+profiles) 
about what I think we need to implement to add profiles in Continum.

I don't think we can implement all features in 1.1 because it's a big work.

The work can be split like that:
1.1: add installation screens, basic profile screens (set of installations) and 
the possibility to add a profile to a build definition
1.2: advanced profiles (Remove build definitions and move schedule, build file, 
scm policy to the profile) with combined profiles.

Screens attached to CONTINUUM-44 don't integrate advanced profiles, I think 
they will be available next week.

Any comments are welcome.


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