cvsnt doesn't use cvs standard to store password. It use windows registry and we can't access to it, so you need to run cvs login command manually to register your password.


I got a problem when trying to build a Maven1 project.

I just uploaded the pom.xml and tried to build.
This is the build error as shown in web interface:

Exception: Cannot checkout sources. Exception while executing SCM command. password is required

I am running Continuum 1.0.1 locally on windows XP. Cvs servers is running on Windows server. Client is cvsnt.

This is my scm url, as defined in the POM :

scm|cvs|pserver|[EMAIL PROTECTED]|D:/dept/xxxxxx|testMaven

I can connect to cvs server via eclipse, directly or via Mevenide.
Can I help Continuum to find my scm settings?


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