You can specify by adding a new build definition in project view :
From summary page ("Show Projects"), click on your project name, then in build definition part, click on "Add" button.

Add your info in this screen.

In 1.0.2, you'll have a default build definition attach to ant project, and build definition view will be more usable for ant projects. Actually, you must define in :
- Pom filename => build.xml
- arguments => ant arguments
- goals => targets


Hey all,
in the Help i found the folowing:

Adding Ant Projects
When adding Ant projects you have to specify the project's name, SCM URL, 
version and the targets to execute.
NOTE: The SCM URL is a Maven SCM URL. Here's an example of what an SCM URL 
looks like: scm:svn:

If I add a new ANT Projekt, i can setup the following:

Project Name - Enter the project name Version - Enter the version of the project Scm Url - Enter the Maven SCM URL Scm Username - Enter the scm username Scm Password - Enter the scm password Scm Branch/Tag
But where can I "specify the targets to execute" ????

In the "Show Projects" Viuew, there is also no way to do this.


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