apologies - wrong list for continuum :(

Andrew Williams wrote:
(Cross-posting so we can move this to the continuum users list)

The python scripts are getting worked on. I am currently waiting for 2 or 3 patches to be committed (check JIRA) Once they are in I will tidy it up further.

I intend to fix it up completely to the java api, but it is difficult without commit access.


p.s. yes, next I will work on the Java client side code, that is now more out of date than the python :(

Toli Kuznets wrote:
To follow-up on an old thread from
http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/maven-users/200607.mbox/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

I was forwarded a set of old python scripts (thanks Tom) that
interface with Conntiuum using XML-RPC to force the builds.

These are actually based on the code from
However, i found that the calling code in python files does not
correspond to the latest in java API:

Anyway, i made some modifications to continuum.py to match the actual
function names and # of params in the Java code, and wrote a simple
script that just always forces all the builds.

To make this work for those of you that want it, make these changes:
1. modify continuum.py to specify the right address for your continuum server
2. modify your <continuum>/app/conf/application.xml to enable XML-RPC
and restart continuum
3. place the .py files somewhere (mine are in <svn-repo>/hooks directory)
3. modify your <svn-repo>/hooks/post-commit file to run the
forceBuilds.py script


if someone with authority wants to add this to the sandbox directory,
that'd be great.

On 7/14/06, dan tran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
you will need to get your svn's hook script's postcommit/postcommit.bat to
call a jvm with your java app that
talk to continuum via XMLRPC.

so the gut is the java code, not the script.

Sorry I know this in theory only, but very comfortable it would work this

Toli Kuznets
http://www.marketcetera.org: Open-Source Trading Platform

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  • Re: XML-RPC scripts to kick off the continuum builds with... Andrew Williams

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