Also remember that you have to build once from the command-line when you alter poms that are depended-on, either as parents or dependencies if they are not available to the eclipse plugin. I just usually build world after an svn checkout, then "F5" my projects into currency, then build clean. It's a pain, but it works.

We tried the whole "../module1" approach (flat hierarchies) and largely gave up, moving to true hierarchies.


On Jun 6, 2007, at 5:21 PM, Emmanuel Venisse wrote:

hierarchical structures works well with eclipse. The only thing to know for hierarchival project is to not create an eclipse project for project with "pom" packaging. The maven-eclipse-plugin doesn't generate .project/.classpath for them.


bkbonner a écrit :
I don't want problems then. I've used the m2eclipse plugin but haven't found that the hiearchical structures worked that well. I guess I'll have to
revisit it.

christian gruber + [EMAIL PROTECTED] + mob 410.900.0796 + mob2 416.998.6023
process coach and architect + ISRÁFÍL CONSULTING SERVICES

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