> But if a new test case is introduced then the maintainer of the
> pom should increment the bug-fix number (or whatever name is best used
> here) so the new version would be
I mean the maintainer should trigger maven to increment the bug-fix
He himself doesn't need to change the 3 to 4

He could also be given a way to increment minor release and major
The build should be automatically incremented when a change in build
number of the scm is detected. I dunno whether this should be
implemented in continuum or maven.. where do u think best jesse?

Having said all about version number, this is by no means to mix it up
with the versioning mechanism of the available scm (I'm against mixing
concerns of scm and build & integration tools such as maven &
continuum)...IMHO it's a different thing..
In scm the talk is probably about branching for group dev, disk space
But I think in build tool the concern is more in the version of the
functionality to deliver..

Best regards,
Just my 2 cents

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