Maven does start in a project directory, but I suspect what you're looking for is a parent project's directory. Because Continuum does not necessarily know about parent folders, since it pulls each project out individually, you need your build setup to not be dependent on folder location.

In other words

- Child 1
| Child 2

as a project structure is fine.  However, Continuum will treat them as

Child 1
Child 2

It will know that Child 1 has a parent of "Parent" because of the metadata, and that is independent of file location. this is actually a factor of Maven, but Continuum uses maven according to Maven's intent. Unfortunately, some bad practice has crept in to how some people use Maven, and Continuum's basic assumptions don't support some of that.

Maybe if you describe your issue a little more explicitly, someone can recommend an alternative way to accomplish the same goal that works within Maven's assumptions.


On Aug 7, 2007, at 11:22 AM, brad hadfield wrote:


I am a new maven and continuum user.  I'm having problems setting a
relative path because when continuum runs maven it interprets variables
such as ${base.dir} differently than when I run maven from the project
directory. I assume this is because continuum starts maven in a web app
working directory.  Is there a way to get continuum to start maven in
the project directory?

Thanks for any help you can offer.


christian gruber + [EMAIL PROTECTED] + mob 410.900.0796 + mob2 416.998.6023
process coach and architect + ISRÁFÍL CONSULTING SERVICES

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