I hope this question is being directed at the correct audience.

I am a newbie to Continuum/Maven and relatively new to svn.
I have been using svn successfully, largely using the Tortoisesvn client and the Eclipse plugin. Recently I have been investigating using Maven and Continuum for our project build management. I have been able to get the Maven-svn integration working such that I can execute the mvm scm:* commands from the command line.
However I cannot get svn working in Continuum where I consistenly get :-

svn: PROPFIND of 'blah/blah/bla' : authorization failed (http://svnserver...)

I can see the svn command that Continuum is trying to execute from the log file (typically "svn --username bbrady --non-interactive checkout http://svnserver/path/ 4"') and I can copy and paste the command into a command window (I'm running on an xp PC) and it executes fine. From Continuum I consistently get the above error.

I've tried doing online searches but haven't been able to find a solution.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance..

Bernard Brady

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