Not really helpful, but wanted to mention one thing. There is a check box in
the Build properties of a project where in we can mention whther a project
should be built fresh or not. If its checked, continuum will always do a
complete checkout from the repository. If you uncheck it, it will do only an
update from the repo, i.e. it will synch only the differences from the repo
to the working directory and this should be much faster.

Anyways i am not sure of building directly on the source file system.


On Sun, Mar 9, 2008 at 3:47 PM, antipattern37 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hello all
> I'm trying to set up Continuum for our Maven2 projects.
> We employ ClearCase with dynamic views for our SCM needs.
> From ""; I've learned that I have
> to configure Continuum to use the "SCM local file system provider" in
> conjunction with ClearCase dynamic views.
> This tells Continuum to treat our source repository as a simple,
> non-versioned file system. So far so good.
> However when I'm starting a build, Continuum first copies all the sources
> from repository to the continuum "Working Directory".
> I know Continuum is actually built to support SCMs like CVS or Subversion
> where checking out the projects to the working directory prior to building
> is a must.
> But as the copy process takes quite some time (our repository is huge!)
> and isn't really necessary in our situation I've come up with the following
> question:
> Is it possible to configure Continuum in a way so it doesn't copy all the
> files from the file system to the working directory (but operates directly
> on the source file system)?
> Any help would be much appreciated.
> Kind regards,
> Oliver
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