A couple small corrections to my previos message about diagramming:

I wrote

> ... the starting position of a duple minor contra would look like this:
> 1  B  3  D  5  F  ...
> A  2  C  4  E  6  ..

That should read "... a duple improper contra ..."

I also wrote:

> For a single-progression dance with no out-of-minor set action, it suffices 
> to follow couples 1A and 2B.  ...

Actually there are many single-progression dances where dancers move on from 
one set of neighbors to the next partway through the sequence rather that at 
the transition from B2 to A1. (By "B2" and "A1" I refer here to musical 
phrases, not to couples in my diagram notation!)  In those, dancers 1 and A 
dance part of the sequence with neighbors B and 2 and the rest with neighbors D 
and 4.

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