The first Massachusetts dance to be starting up in person indoors is the
Worcester dance: They list:

"Documented proof of either full vaccination or  a negative COVID test. The
COVID test must be taken no more than three days prior to the dance. Photos
of either vax cards or said test results will be accepted as proof.

Per City of Worcester mandate, masks are to be worn at all times by
everyone in the building.

Each attendee must provide their name, email address, and cell phone number
for contact-tracing purposes.

The gymnasium where the dance is being held is quite large for the expected
number of attendees. We will augment that by placing box fans in front of
open windows in at least two locations to provide for the circulation of
fresh air. The facility also has several ceiling fans which will assist in
that process."


On Fri, Nov 5, 2021 at 4:00 PM tedsims--- via Contra Callers <> wrote:

> In Louisville, the group that usually organizes dances has not started
> dancing again so other dances have popped up to take their place.
> There is a weekly dance recently on Mondays, all volunteer everything,
> with donations, vaccinated only, not checked, and you have to sign a
> waiver. Masks not required. Some people wear masks and some do not. 30~40
> people.
> There is a second dance, not the same people organizing, happening
> occasionally but not on a regular basis that has been going on for months.
> Also vaccinated only, and masks strongly recommended.  The last one was
> well attended. There's one scheduled 3rd Sat this month and the
> announcement says they will be checking cards.
> Between the two groups mentioned above, there will be 5 contra dances in
> Louisville in November, not counting the tin-hat-crowd barn dance east of
> town which has been going on monthly for more than a year, except summer.
> Some people are fine dancing in a mask and some people object for various
> stated reasons, obviously.
> On a related note, the club salsa community in town here, which is
> significant, has been dancing business-as-usual for most of the year. Ditto
> the west coast swing crowd.
> I am not personally aware of any dancing related breakouts.
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