On 01/20/2017 10:13 AM, Sela, Guy wrote:
> My suggestion was not to change the current delete, but to add to it another 
> flag, which will "silence" the exceptions in the case where the transaction 
> started when the Node existed, and ended when it didn't exist anymore. 
> Default behavior would stay the same. Cleanup code can potentially do the 
> same deletion twice, 
> and I think it makes sense to allow it to pass this "permissive" flag.

Sorry, an operation with a flag means the operation is split into two
distinct operations.

Also the scenario described means that the cleanup code is running in an
un-coordinated fashion, more importantly it seems to indicate un-ordered
shutdown of multiple components which trip over each others cleanup.

Can you describe, best with the corresponding model, the order of
operations which trigger the exception?


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