On Mon 10 Mar 2003 19:47, Jason Greenwood posted as excerpted below:
> I am of the same opinion. I am on a dialup at home and it is all I can
> do just to stay up to date with the daily cooker updates, little lone
> test them. Updates are coming way too fast IMHO for a looming release date.

Cooker is definitely not for dialup!  <g>  In fact, wasn't that the subject of 
a subthread on PPP a bit ago, the conclusion of which was that PPP doesn't 
get tested as much because those stuck on dialup basically can't to Cooker?

Of course, here on my cable modem, I've been using Cooker with urpmi.update 
-a, and then urpmi --auto-select, for some time.

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little
temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." --
Benjamin Franklin

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