Buchan Milne wrote:
> Todd Lyons wrote:
> > Ben Reser wrote on Tue, Mar 11, 2003 at 02:48:34AM -0800 :
> >
> >>"sharp" and "bang", meaning the #! sequence that tells the system where
> >>to find the interpreter.
> >
> >
> > Interestingly, "sharp" only has meaning to anybody who's studied music
> > in some small form.  Most of the people I've come across like to call it
> > "hash" (which irks me) or "pound" (my personal preference).
> >
> Sorry, but I think pound is a bad choice, seeing as some keyboards have
> this funny L-shaped character where you americans put this funny S with
> a vertical line through it ... that would be a Pound sign. Hash is less
> ambigous. Which is why I would refer to #! as "hash-bang" ;-).
> Buchan

I just couldn't pass up an opportunity to "sling" some food for thought
("hash" in this virtual food fight :)...

Nomenclature  is contextual, anyway. Since US residents don't have the Livre
(pound Sterling) as currency, it's perfectly normal for them to say "pound"
for the symbol. "Ambiguity" is in the eye of the beholder; I'm sure you'd
get a blank stare the first time you talked to a non-techie in the US about
the "hash" key.

Personally, I like some of the variations in the Register articles. Variety
is the spice of life.

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