What    |Removed                     |Added
             Status|UNCONFIRMED                 |RESOLVED
         Resolution|                            |FIXED

------- Additional Comments From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  2003-03-29 01:23 -------
9.1 Bamboo 
No problem. I close the bug. 

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assigned_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
status: RESOLVED
The 3 iso of Mdk 9.1rc2 are mounted in loopback mode on /mnt/mdk?/

With konqueror, I try to open file:/mnt/mdk1/Mandrake/base/
Ark was lauched by kde. Unsuccessful... I had a message "it is not a .gz file".

Everything seems closed ... But top shows indefinitly 0% idle :
3942 pierre    17   0 14288  13m  12m R 96.7  2.8  17:55.79 ark

a single : kill 3942  was enough to kill ark.

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