On Thursday 02 October 2003 01:26 pm, FACORAT Fabrice wrote:
> Le jeu 02/10/2003 à 15:19, Michael Lothian a écrit :
> > Where are the KDE 3.2 rpms?
> you'd better not use them. Very unstable and buggy ...
> quanta unusable
and how
> sometimes when you download files, the dialog don't close ( no button,
[worksforme] ;)
> can't be close with the button in title bar ) 
[worksforme] ;)and you need to quit
> download manager ( see systray )
[worksforme] ;)
> k3b crash when you try to access preferences ( even if you donwgrade
> with k3b_0.10cvs
haven't tried this actually
> menu is incomplete
> most mimetype are lost ( xmms no longer associated with .pls, xine not
> in menu, the same for xmms )
> gtk apps are not themed which make them look ugly :(
[worksforme] ;)
> I advise you to wait for final laurent kde3.2 rpms as it will apply many
> patch and will be surely updated from cvs and thus will have less bugs.
but yeah, you're better off waiting, i doubt you'll have my apparent luck. 
quanta does suck though. I did the mdk site mod in it and it crashed a coupla 
times, then wouldn't start until i removed the preferences file
> ---
> Les taxis de la Marne ont fait la guerre. Alors moi je rigole quand je
> vois un taxi qui a peur d'aller en banlieue.

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