On Saturday 18 October 2003 08:53 pm, Leon Brooks wrote:
> My PowerPack torrent is till pushing out a steady 8KiB/s on a 512/128Kib
> (not lowercase b) ADSL link. It took nearly 3 days to arrive. The
> download edition is arriving at 16KiB/s* and departing at 1, has taken
> roughly 14 hours to get that far.
> My plan is to leave each torrent up until at least twice as much has
> been sent as was fetched.

well I dont know a way to monitor total but over the last few days I have at 
least given twice as much as I have received. seeing as how upload was almost 
always at least double and most of the time it was three times as much or 
more. I plan to leave it on for as long as I can over the next week though. 
This is for the powerpack 3 cd and not the download version.

For me I decided not to complain anymore and just let others enjoy but it was 
truly nice to see a decent download speed when i got back on tonight. I shut 
it off for sabbath.
> Cheers; Leon
> * Evidently someone else has just come on line (cue Twilight Zone theme)
>   since it roared up to 40KiB/s immediately after I typed that. (-:

                                      Brook Humphrey           
        Mobile PC Medic, 420 1st, Cheney, WA 99004, 509-235-9107        
http://www.webmedic.net, [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
                                 Holiness unto the Lord

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