[ sorry if a dupe appears, not sure if the machine I originally posted
  from has an SMTP server up; I'm only subscribed to Cooker, so... ]


I have an opportunity to do a one-day Mandrake mini-conference at the 
Australian Linux Conference in Adelaide in January 2004.

For this to happen, I need two ingredients: people to be there and 
people to present stuff.

Please email me off-list to leon 0 cyberknights . com . au (since the 
FDNS box gets roughly 250 spam a day and you might drown in that) if 
you have any intention of being at the Southern Hemisphere's premier 
Linux conference (http://lca2004.linux.org.au/).

I'd be most impressed if any of the key ex-officio developers like 
Texstar, Ranger etc could present, and/or any Mandrake employees (Warly 
or anyone else?), and/or if Mandrake could show willing by kicking in 
some merchandise for attendees, maybe a boxed powerpack for a speaker 
prize and a cap or something for other attendees?

If you can come, please consider doing a paper on something like 
Mandrake RPM tricks, Mandrake clusters, the future of the Control 
Center, whatever takes your fancy.

Cheers; Leon

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