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Galileo wrote:
> Old subject didn't get any attention, so I'm posting with this one
> which will surely get some.

And it had nothing to do with the subject, but the fact that it was
still quite a conflict-generating post.

> While I was trying to build updated isos i found in misc/doc/download
> a line "kernel-source exclude". What ? this can't be true.

It is true, the download edition ISOs didn't have space for kernel source.

Yes, misc/doc applies *only* to ISO images, not to the mirrors.

> I search
> trough rpms, rpms2 and rpms3 and it isn't there.


> I check on fr2.rpmfind.net and its there. Hm strange, lets see what
> else is missing.

Maybe fr2.rpmfind.net isn't in sync.

> I copy all the files from my rpms dirs to one directory and compare
> contents of that dir to
> What the f*** ?

Yes, that's a nice way to encourage us to answer your questions when you
don't even check official mirrors (or known-good ones).

> A LOOT of differences. It seems that I'm missing a lot of packages.
> My first thought was that these missing packages were transferred to
> contrib. Lets check.... no not there. Wait what's that.
> I have gcc-cpp_f-0.0.1-1mdk.noarch.rpm but on remote ftp there isn't
> one.

No idea what gcc-cpp_f is, never seen it before.

> I start to look at the differences and I notice a couple of odd things
> libsane-hpoj1-0.90-9mdk.i586.rpm that i have is newer that on mirror
> (on mirror libsane-hpoj1-0.90-8mdk),

What does the changelog on -9mdk say?

> mandrake_doc-en-9.2-0.9mdk.noarch.rpm that I have is older than on the
> mirror (mirror mandrake_doc-en-9.2-1mdk.noarch.rpm )

Not sure about this. Maybe you could politely ask the maintainer about
the changes reflected in the changelog (which you can see easily if you
subscribe to the changelog list.

> This has to me mirrors fault? I check with mandrakeclub mirror and
> its the same thing.
> What happened ???
> I have been told recently not to bitch/complain but to be a little
> more diplomatic when posting here.
> So here it is, I'm not bitching but asking nicely.

Riight, read the end of your previous post, really diplomatic in
comparison to all the other threads.

> I can understand that some packages like powermanga which isn't
> important (although very nice game) couldn't be fitted on the first 3
> cds but why wasn't it transferred to contrib.

Because contrib isn't main, main isn't contrib. That has nothing to do
with the fact that main is over 200MB larger than the space available on
3 CDs.

> And what's with the different versions ? I can understand that due to
> the last minute changes a newer package can be included in the
> download edition, but on mirrors a few packets are newer then in
> download !?
> So what should I do now ? I can download the missing packages from
> mirror but what shall I do with the packages which have different
> versions ?

Read the changelog to see if it's anything that affects you.

I don't see why I need to read your posts if you continue like this, so
don't expect an answer if you stick to your current style (as it doesn't
seem you are motivating anyone else to answer your posts either).


- --
|--------------Another happy Mandrake Club member--------------|
Buchan Milne                Mechanical Engineer, Network Manager
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Stellenbosch Automotive Engineering         http://www.cae.co.za
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