Bryan Whitehead wrote:
> Buchan Milne wrote:
>> Bryan Whitehead wrote:
>>> Thanks for the kick in the pants. Looks like autofs can do what I need.
>>> Looks like this "feature" slipped in during 9.0 (or 8.2) and I didn't
>>> notice.
>>> Now if only autofs would support direct mounts we'd be another step
>>> closer to Solaris... ;)
>> Could you explain what it is/how it works?
> auto_direct allows you to assign a directory a specific disk/nfsserver
> when it is accessed. this means you can make any directory managed by
> autofs without having autofs control the parent directory.
> most common use of direct mount is /var/mail.
> This config wants "mail" in /var/ to be mounted from a nfs server, but
> you can't have "/var" managed by autofs. So autofs will watch the "mail"
> directory directly. When a program enters/opens the directory autofs
> will mount the directory from it's configured source. An
> entry would look like this:
> /var/mail       -actimeo=0      s383:/export/mail
> someone may say... "why don't you just keep in mounted??!?!". Because of
> stale NFS handles when servers go down. Even when the server comes back
> up the client may be hosed... if you have several hundred workstations
> this can suck real fast. NFS mounts should only be mounted when "in
> use". If no one is looking at /var/mail then /var/mail should not be
> mounted via nfs.
> Currently on linux we would have to change /var/mail to be a symlink to
> /net/s383/export/mail. However, this becomes a problem when applications
> decide to save the "mail folder" as /net/s383/export/mail. If we move
> our mail services to another server we'll have problems. But mail is
> just a simple stupid example...
> /usr/local is software that is installed by the SA. Many shops share
> this over nfs (very common at JPL) so each workstation can have new
> software by installing it on the server... auto_direct would look like
> this:
> /usr/local -rw     s383:/export/opt/local
> having /usr/local as a symlink to /net/export/opt/local can screw up
> many things. For example, if a project compiles software on their
> workstation configure/makefiles and binarys can end up with
> /net/export/opt/local in them... resulting in huge problems when servers
> are moved, or decommissioned.

BTW, it appears that autofs 4.1 has/will have direct mount support,
including with maps in LDAP.

Thomas, any chance of this in your kernel some time soon?

I will probably test it quite soon (some time next week I guess) myself
either way, but this is definitely something that we will want to have
in 10.0 ...


|--------------Another happy Mandrake Club member--------------|
Buchan Milne                Mechanical Engineer, Network Manager
Cellphone * Work            +27 82 472 2231 * +27 21 8828820x202
Stellenbosch Automotive Engineering
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