I had 6 gigs of a 12 gig hd in my laptop free and defragged.
WHen I let diskdrake resize it, it could only find me 500mb
for the linux partition.

I don't have many free hours until finals are over,
so my laptop still runs windy. Workstation is 8.2 and happy
----- Original Message -----
From: "Plug Head" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2002 4:46 PM
Subject: [Cooker] PCMCIA Netcard works! Partitioning is still
ugly tho...

> I was pleasantly surprised when I installed 8.2 final on my
notebook today,
> and it picked up the (Linksys) netcard correctly and worked
on the first
> boot!  I even got Samba running in like 10 minutes (of
course I'm pretty
> familiar with smb.conf at this point...)  Good job(!) on
that one, I never
> though you'd get it fixed for release.
> On the down side, partitioning still seems a little messed
up.  The biggest
> problem is that it doesn't like multiple primary partitions
(even though it
> will happily create them, if you install with an already
existing partition.)
> I was a little nervous about doing the install on my laptop,
when it said
> things like "ok to loose partition" <NO!>, then went on to
diskdrake and it
> claimed I had a 30+g hard drive (it's 20g!)  But feeling
brave (reckless), I
> decided to chance it, and it seems to have worked just fine
(haven't checked
> to see if windows still boots, but it'd be a small loss.)
> On my desktop system, however, I just cannot get past the
partition error
> message.  Even after I said NO to loose partition, it kept
comming up with an
> error--something about "_blanking_" (? looked like a
function name.)  After I
> hit OK a few times, I gave up and rebooted my machine.
Thinking Partition
> Magic might fix it (it has in the past), I let it make it's
fixes (there
> _seemed_ to be one for each time I hit "OK"), only to be
greeted by a large
> yellow bar representing my HD with the words "BAD PARTITION"
on it...  Ugh...
>  (Note however that both 8.2rc1 and Windoze will still boot
and don't seem
> affected.)
> So, if you'd like to look into this problem, let me know if
there is any
> relevant information I can send you (partition tables, logs,
exact messages,
> etc.)
> Thanks,
> -Jason
> P.S.  Maybe releated.  cfdisk chokes unless I give it the
original geometry
> that was in the bios--in which case it properly reports
> partitions.  (I tried changing the bios to match what sfdisk
thought it
> should be, but no joy.)  Is there some way that I can
specify the correct
> geometry during install?
> --
> =========================
> 'Never trust a ruler who puts his faith in tunnels and
bunkers and escape
> routes. The chances are that his heart isn't in the job.'
> (Guards! Guards!)

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