On Tue, 24 Sep 2002 22:30, Guy.Bormann wrote:
> On Tue, 24 Sep 2002, Leon Brooks wrote:
>> A battery of anything is a long row of them. So a D cell (or for that
>> matter A, AA, AAA and C as well) is not actually a battery, but the
>> little square 9V models and the ones in cars are.

> Not necessarily true! Although it is usually hard to see, A{A{A}} cells
> sometimes clearly consist of a battery of small watch cell-like cells when
> you look close enough to the casing.

Not. I disassembled a fair few of them in my childhood, e.g. for carbon anodes 
for chemistry experiments.

> In fact, I don't know of any
> compound combination that produces an (electrochemical(*)) potential of
> 1.5V!

Carbon-Zinc does that nicely, and has done for centuries.

Cheers; Leon

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